Bacterium That Causes Gum Disease Packs a One-Two Punch to the Jaw

Bacterium That Causes Gum Disease Packs a One-Two Punch to the JawCurated News:

By Timberlake Dental curated from Science Daily

Image Courtesy of  Flickr – akseabird

“The newly discovered bacterium that causes gum disease delivers a one-two punch by also triggering normally protective proteins in the mouth to actually destroy more bone…”

See full article on Science Daily


According to this article, a study has been released by the University of Michigan that specifically identifies the bacterium responsible for periodontitis, or gum disease. Until now the identify of this bacterium was unknown.  Part of the value in this discovery is that this bacterium has been connected with stimulation of cells that destroy tissues in the jaw.  Gum disease can therefore be damaging for both the mouth and jaw.

Dr. Rodney D. Chowning, DDS, Dentist, Denton, TX

