Archive for April, 2019

Tonsil Stones: What Are They, and Why Do I Get Them?

To be frank, tonsil stones are gross.  If you have never experienced them, count your lucky stars.  They feel weird, they smell bad, and they put you at risk for infections! What are Tonsils? Tonsils are lumps of lymphatic tissue (part of your immune system) at the back of the mouth.  They come in all […]

How Acid Reflux Affects the Mouth

Acid reflux is a condition that affects millions of Americans, both adults and children.  Also referred to as GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), acid reflux allows stomach acid to escape from the stomach, creeping up into both the esophagus and the mouth. Acid reflux is a case of a broken one-way “door”.  There is a “door”, […]