Call for Action On Cutting Sugar

Call for Action On Cutting SugarCurated News:

By Timberlake Dental curated from Science Daily

Image Courtesy of Flickr – by Tempesttea

“…sugary foods and drinks are now staples in many people’s diet… We need to reverse this trend.”…”

See full article on Science Daily


The World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended since 1990 that, in order to reduce tooth decay, we consume less than 10% of our total energy intake in sugar, in whatever form it is found, as raw sugar or in the many ways we find it in foods we buy. This article is an important one, as it supports that view based on study analysis.  It even goes further, recommending that we limit sugar to 5% in order to stay clear of cavities for a lifetime.

Dr. Rodney D. Chowning, DDS, Sedation Dentist, Denton, TX



