Lose Weight and Keep Your Teeth Healthy
Curated News:
By Timberlake Dental curated from celiac.nih.gov
– Image Courtesy of Flickr – Magnus D
“Eating five portions of fruit and veg a day helps keep us healthy and controls our weight by filling us up. But it’s worth remembering that fruit contains a natural sugar called fructose, which like all sugar, has the potential to harm teeth.”
See full article on celiac.nih.gov
As stated in the article, The key is to opt for reduced-fat varieties if you want to lose weight. Meanwhile, after water, milk is one of the best drinks for teeth. Better still, research shows the calcium in reduced-fat dairy products can actually help to burn fat, particularly around our midriff, so that we lose weight. So opt for skimmed or semi-skimmed rather than ditching it altogether.
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