FDA to Teens: Consider ‘Real Cost’ of Tobacco Use

Curated News:

By Timberlake Dental curated from U.S. Food and Drug administration


– Image Courtesy of Flickr -Joris Louwes

“As FDA’s first campaign to prevent youth tobacco use, “The Real Cost” targets the 10 million young people ages 12-17 who are open to trying smoking or who have already smoked between one puff and 99 cigarettes in their lifetime. These youths share important characteristics that put them at risk for tobacco use. They are more likely to live chaotic, stressful lives due to factors such as socioeconomic conditions; be exposed to smoking by friends and family; and use tobacco as a coping mechanism or a way to exert control or independence.”

See full article on U.S. Food and Drug administration


Teen tobacco use is a leading to many deaths an also many health problems including mouth diseases and high chance of cavities. Smoking effects that are left on the human body are destructive and some of them are permanent.



