11 mistakes to avoid while brushing teeth

Brush teeth.

Curated News:

By Timberlake Dental curated from RMRS.com

– Image Courtesy of Flickr – Sean Donohue

“Keeping your teeth in top shape requires regular visits to the dentist. However – good dental hygiene starts at home. Brushing your teeth the right way is important to maintaining healthy gums and teeth.”

See full article on RMRS.com


As stated in the article,

With consistent use (twice a day for seven days a week) – the average life of a toothbrush is about three months.

After about 200 uses – you need to switch your brush because the bristles are bound to be worn out and frayed.

Frayed or broken bristles won’t clean your mouth properly. Change your toothbrush once the bristles lose their flexibility.

After a couple of months of daily use – bacteria and food particles begin to accumulate on the toothbrush. Make sure you are changing your toothbrush every three months.
