6 signs of throat cancer you might ignore
Curated News:
By Timberlake Dental curated from msn.com
– Image Courtesy of Flickr – trench_mouth
“Throat cancer often doesn’t cause symptoms until later stages, but sometimes it can, and early detection makes for more effective treatment. If you notice any of the following throat cancer symptoms, or if you have a history of smoking or excessive alcohol use, call your doctor.”
See full article on msn.com
As stated in the article, f you notice a lump on your neck that you’ve never felt before, it could be a sign of throat cancer. ‘This means the tumor most likely metastasized from the throat to the neck,’ says Eric Genden, MD, chairman of ENT at Mount Sinai Health System in New York City. Lumps are most commonly felt right under the jaw, he says, but they can also present elsewhere on the neck. These are other cancer symptoms women ignore and cancer signs men tend to overlook.
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