More than half of Australian children have tooth decay

More than half of Australian children have tooth decayCurated News:

By Timberlake Dental curated from DATABLOGImage Courtesy of  Flickr – Wesley McDonald

“New report shows high rates of tooth decay in children and  outlines the disparity of oral health across Australia…”

See full article on DATABLOG


Two reports have been released, according to this article, that point to a degradation in the oral health of Australian children.  The reports, based on data from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, show steadily more instances of decayed, missing and filled teeth amount Australian children.  Sadly, part of the picture  is that some children with the worst levels in oral health are either at lower socio-economic levels or live  in remote areas where regular dental care isn’t readily available. Dr. Rodney D. Chowning, Sedation and General Dentistry, Denton, TX
